Homemade Rose Water
Dont' throw away your dying roses just yet! Recycle their petals by making your own homemade rose water with this simple recipe! Rose Water has numerous benefits for your skin, hair and eyes health. This DIY has so many purposes, you will have the dilemma to choose what to use it for!

Benefits of Rose Water

Roses have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and antidepressant properties. They can help reduce and heal acne, irritation, dermatitis, eczema, scars, cuts and wounds, as well as streghthen and regenerate skin tissues.

Rose water is midly astrigent and therefore can be use for inflamed and sore eyes. It is also known to reduce high cholesterol. 

Rose water is a great moisturiser as it helps hydrate and revitalise skin, all while balacing skin's Hp and controling excess oil.

Different Way You Can Use Rose Water :

- Toner
- Setting Spray
​- Makeup Remover
- Hair treatment for scalp inflammation and dandruff
- Hair conditioner to promote hair growth
- Eye treatment
- Aftershave
- Sunburn Relief
​- Perfume
- Add to your DIY face mask

What You'll Need

 - Fresh or semi-fresh rose petals
 - Boiling water
 - A mason jar
 - A bowl
 - A cheesecloth
 - A funnel

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1. Take off the petals from the rose stem and put them in a mason jar. 
2.  Add boiling water to the jar, secure the lid on and let soak for 12 hours. 
3. After letting it sit for 12 hours, seperate the petals from the liquid by draining it into a bowl, using a cheesecloth. 
4. Pour back the rose water into the jar with the a help of a funnel. Voilà, you have ready to use rose water!

You can dispose of the petals by putting them in your compost. 

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